Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday Favorites - A Mish Mash of Things

I'm linking up for Friday Favorites today.  Today's favorites have no theme.  It is a mish mash.  A hodge podge, a variety, get the idea!  I'm linking up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci.

1. Field Trips - Especially ones that go well!
Coach Washington and a couple of the boys showing off their pottery painting skills.  The items will then be auctioned off at our annual dinner dance in February.

2. Cake
Getting a slice of birthday cake and getting a piece of the rainbow!  I love Costco cake and prefer them over a cake from a fancy (or not so fancy) bakery!

3. Well behaved 8th graders.
Easy trip.  The kids were well behaved and we had a lot of fun.  They even humored me when I told them I wanted a group picture.

4. Chicken
Watching my little one look so grown up getting ready for soccer tryouts.  He looks pretty spiffy in his warm ups.

5. Peanut
Watching my big one act like he's cool! Ha!

6. Books!
The book order is here!  Anyone else remember the excitement at school when the book orders arrived?  Hudson got a box full of books.  #mymomisateacher #scholasticbonuspoints

7. Pita chips and bruschetta.
I've been in a bruschetta and pita chip kind of mood lately.  I like the plain pita chips because it doesn't overpower the tomato goodness.  I tried it with garlic pita chips, and there was just too much garlic.  Bad after taste.  Blech.

8. Salad
Sadly, we have been lacking in greens lately.  I love salad, and I love it even more when I don't have to do more than cut open a bag, dump contents into a bowl and stir.

9. Hot chocolate
This isn't my favorite, but my boys (including my husband) like using the Keurig to make hot chocolate.  Before they headed off to soccer practice today, Hudson asked if I would buy more hot chocolate.  I told him no because it was expensive and I needed to buy groceries.  Fast forward 30 minutes later, and I'm at the grocery store throwing them into the cart!  I figured after a cold night of soccer, they would appreciate a hot drink.  That or I'm just a sucker!

10. Wal Mart's Savings Catcher program.
And this is a totally random favorite, but look at how much money Wal Mart is going to give me once I cash in my Savings Catcher dollars!  I want to wait until it gets to over $100 before cashing it in.  The plan is to use it for stock up items like rice, cereal, and meat that can be frozen.  That ought to help me get ahead of the grocery budget for a bit!

11. Cold, wet, foggy soccer practices that I DON'T have to go to!
My husband is my favorite because he lets me stay home while he takes the boys to soccer practice in the cold and fog.  I dyed by hair, took a HOT bath, and made dinner.

12. Red hair.
Freshly dyed hair.  I took care of the grey stragglers before they became too noticeable.

So happy it is almost the weekend...and a 3-day weekend to boot!

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