Friday, January 8, 2016

Hudson Goes to Cooking Class...

...and the rest of us go out to dinner!

Hudson before class started.  He was a little nervous taking the class without his brother, so Huddy wanted to make sure I didn't leave him until the class started.  As if I would do that!

Mandatory selfie!

It's a miracle!  The big kid took a photo with me!

Once Hudson's class was underway, we walked across the sidewalk to Sequoia Brewing Company.  I've never been there and thought it was pretty tasty.


In between the two of them making silly faces for the camera, I just kept on snapping away hoping to get a good shot!  Got one!

Not so much, but Eric's expression cracks me up!

My handsome husband.  He looks so slim!

I went to the bathroom and Evan hacked my phone.

We went back for Hudson a little before class was over so he could share his cooking with us.  Little Chicken loves to cook, but he didn't really like what he made in this particular class.  It was a steak sandwich (he kind of liked the steak sandwich), peppers (he didn't like them), and a beet salad (he really didn't like that!).

This was the best picture I got because I noticed that Huddy looked a little pale and sad.  I asked him what was wrong and he said he was hot.  He runs really hot on a normal basis, but cooped up in a warm kitchen with a t-shirt, a sweatshirt, an apron, and on an empty stomach was more than he could take.  I got his sweatshirt off of him and rushed him outside into the cold air before he could hurl!

Luckily cold air did the trick.  Well, that and a run to Taco Bell for some cheese roll ups!

He truly enjoyed the class.  I need to do two things: slow down on week nights even when I'm impatient to get dinner on the table and let him help with the preparations, and I also need to set aside special times when he and I can cook special meals or food together.

We are going to make monkey bread together on Sunday morning!  I'll take pictures!

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