Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tired Boy

This little man has been attending football camp at my school this week. Coach has them running passes, guarding, catching throws, and just all out working hard.

Evan was so tired and sore yesterday. He told me that his legs hurt, and his muscles hurt, and his neck hurts, and his bones hurt! When I said, "Your bones hurt?" he answered with that tone only a 4-year-old can pull off, "Yeeeessss! Bones can hurt you know!"

The kid refused to sleep yesterday afternoon, but his mother got smart today. I refused to turn on the tv, therefore almost guaranteeing myself some quiet time once he drifted off. What my plan didn't foresee was the child stripping nude, dragging out his sleeping bag to lay right next to my desk, and draping himself with my robe because he was catching a chill in this 104 degree heat!

Hey, whatever it takes, I guess. He really needed to rest after the amount of energy he has been spending at camp. The circles under his eyes were starting to look permanent. Now I just hope he goes to sleep tonight!

Oh, and the fuzzy black and white thing at the top left of the photo is our dog, Bandit, hopping over Evan as he sleeps. This is not the best place in the house for a sleeping bag: right next to the sliding glass door, the dog door, and my computer. Evan, however, doesn't have a problem with any of it.

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