Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Teacher Box Lunch...AKA My Favorite Day!

Each year during Teacher Appreciation Week, the teachers take one day to appreciate each other.  We draw names and create a lunch and place setting for each other.  It is my FAVORITE thing that we do as a teacher group at my school!

This is the lunch I created for Gaby.  She is new this year, so she didn't know what to expect.  She is also getting married in December.  A ready made theme!

It's a little hard to see, but I used doilies as the place mat, white plate, rose petals, little white cups for snacks, a feather boa and princess crown to wear, and a candle.  She once told me her favorite food is potatoes, so I got her a baked potato with chicken, cheese, ranch and bacon from a local restaurant.  That along with salad, cake, fruit, chips, and raspberry lemonade rounded out the fun.

Some of the lunches created by other teachers.  Giants baseball is big in these parts.

Super cute "box" lunch!

AJ won the prize for receiving the most decorated place setting.  Sister Monica made this for him!  He also got a shirt and a DVD!

Picnic setting made by Stacey for Martha.

Sr. Isabel made this for Cortney.  She plans to add vodka to the strawberry lemonade later! Ha!

Sister Isabel made this darling setting for me!  Rainbow plate and bowl, red placemat, roses, Subway sandwich, Diet Coke, Caesar salad, apple pie and flower plate.  I love it all!

Wendy's beach theme.

Mr. Dodd's golf lunch.

More Giants.  People and their baseball fetishes.  No thank you!

Martha made this setting for Sister Monica.  She had to move the box and flowers during lunch because she didn't want to look at herself while she was eating!

And more Giants.

I love the idea of using a tray for the place mat!

Pretty green theme.

My office looks a little better today!  While teachers were enjoying their lunches, the 8th graders had an all day retreat with Father Robert at the convent garden.  I had to set up and provide lunch.  Subway sandwiches, cookies, chips, water, and soda.  The kids being gone all day gave me time to work on sorting through the piles on my desk.  That pink binder is for graduation.  Next big project.

Lastly, I've been getting up slightly earlier than normal and getting right to work making my bed, cleaning a bit, etc.  One plus to doing this is having a little time for some morning snuggles.  That doesn't happen if I am running around screaming like a lunatic.  Not saying that has ever happened...but sadly it has.

Hudson and I enjoyed a bit of Good Morning America with our few minutes of relaxing this morning.  I've got stacks of underwear on top of my dresser.  I'm cleaning out a drawer.  However, the timer went off so I stopped!  I'll finish that task tomorrow.  I didn't realize how much underwear I had until it was all stacked on TOP of the dresser instead of inside the drawer.  And there's more still in the drawer to pull out!  Hee hee.  Apparently I do not need to shop for that particular item of clothing.

I don't think this child is ever going to leave me.  He's my little love bug.

I walked out of the house and completely forgot to put the pork roast in the crock pot.  Luckily it is an at home night, so I'll readjust my menu and throw something together later.

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