Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Culture? What's that?

My kids go to the same school where I work. I love it. I know what's going on, I don't miss out on all the little events, and I get to see them as much (or as little!) as I want.

One of my favorite things is unexpectedly running into Evan in the hall. I get a big hug, and it just makes my day.

I am very excited to be able to be with Hudson for the Pre-K Thanksgiving Cultural Feast today. It just so happens that Fr. Robert is going to be teaching my class at the very time I need to go to the party. Perfect!

Yesterday, I asked Hudson's teacher what to expect. She asked if I read the note that got sent home. Um, no. She said to bring Hudson's favorite cultural food.

Sure. Noodles or candy. Hard to choose.

I figured I'd make cupcakes or something fabulous.

Something fabulous turned into cutting Costco muffins into fourths this morning. Who doesn't love a culturally acceptable chocolate or blueberry muffin from Costco? It's a family staple...sort of...when we think about. Okay, it's not.

Here they are all wrapped up pretty. Plus, I saved one for myself for morning snack!

Blueberry and chocolate ethnic favorite!

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