Sunday, January 23, 2011


Here's a little of what we have been up to lately.

-Staff meeting and soccer practice on Tuesday.
-Weight Watcher meeting on Wednesday.
-Dinner with a friend on Thursday.
-Soccer game on Friday.
-Basketball game on Saturday.
-Football on Sunday.

I see a sports trend here.

Needless to say, with stuff going on every night, it was hard to find interesting and exciting things to blog about. I'll do my best to entertain you in this post.

I went for a 25 minute run today. Eric and the boys made it about five minutes with me before Evan's tire went flat. They went back to the house. I kept running. Then I came home and took a shower and got right back into my favorite pj's.

Eric made Broccoli Beef again tonight. Yum.

Double yum.

It's hard to tell, but this is a photo of the ceiling in my kitchen. That orange blob on the ceiling is a stupid "sticky foot" that one of my precious offspring got at the doctor's office. They flicked it up to the ceiling, and it has never fallen. Now it is making a greasy circle stain up there along with the attractive orange blob.

Hudson doesn't like having his picture taken. I feel less guilty about not taking him for portraits...since he was six weeks old.

Just smile, darn it. Or at least look at the camera.

At least I got a blurry shot of his face. He always looks so cute in the tub.

That would be an empty laundry basket! We were on a mission this weekend. Eric would load the washer, switch the clothes to the dryer, and bring them to me. I folded and put them away. It was a good system that worked out nicely. Just about every last article of clothing in this house is washed and put away...aside from what is currently on our bodies!

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