Saturday, January 2, 2010


I have a sore hip. I'm not sure if it is actually my hip, but I have great pain coming from the region of my hip/joint/leg socket. It gets worse right after I run. I know, logic would suggest that I stop running. But I just can't.

I have worked too hard to build up my endurance and strength with my running. I don't want to stop. If I had to self diagnose, I'd say there is inflammation where my leg and hip meet. Pretty good diagnosis, huh?!

Tonight the pain is pretty intense. I am having a hard time walking around the house. It is also pretty painful if I've been inactive for a stretch of time like sitting down. Once I get up to walk again, I'm hobbling.

Eric suggested that I might need to see a doctor. I really don't like to go to the doctor. I don't know many people who do, but I get more fearful of them the older I get. I am also afraid that they are going to laugh at me or make me feel bad about whatever ails me. Silly, I know.

I am about to take a really hot bath. Heat seems to help. I slept with a heating pad on my hip last night. I wonder if icing the area would help as well. I just don't relish the idea of putting ice in that location. Yikes!

1 comment:

  1. Alex has been to physical therapy for hamstring, knee, etc...injuries and they always stress ICE, not heat for inflammation. Their prescription is almost always ice and ibuprofen. Just thought I'd pass it along.
