Friday, August 14, 2009


Last night was McTeacher night for my school. This means that we try to get lots of people to eat at McDonald's because we get a portion of the proceeds.

Evan's kindergarten teacher was there with her daughter. R and Evan were sitting near each other. I got a kick out of their "conversation."

R: I got this little bag in my Happy Meal. I like this little toy. It has a pink handle on it. Pink is my favorite color. What is your favorite color?

Evan: Blue.


I was cracking up! R is an adorable little girl who talks a mile a minute. She entertained me by showing me her watch that had the time and the ABC's. She was very willing to chatter about her 5-year-old life. And my child apparently only has the ability to speak in one word fragments.

The differences between little boys and little girls!


  1. Haha! So true! And thanks for sharing that... Stories like that remind me how thankful I am to have all my boys...maybe I'm just not cut out to be a girl mom as I truly could not handle the chatter! Makes me feel better that this baby is yet another boy.

  2. Just wait until he starts dating and still speaks in fragments. It will drive you bonkers!
