Saturday, January 10, 2009

I'm Old

I just had a funny moment. We are re-watching the premiere episode of The Bachelor. (Don't judge us...there is nothing else on!) Since I am the absolute perfect specimen of a female (far from it but my husband likes me the way I am), I feel that I am entitled to pass judgment on all the yahoos vying for the Bachelor's attention. One lady got out of the limo and walked toward Jason. I looked up from the computer and said, "She's old," as if that was some awful character flaw. Then they posted her name, age, and where she's from, and it said she is 34. Woops. I'm going to be 34 in exactly one month and one day. I guess that means I'm old too. But I'm not on tv trying to find me a husband! I don't know if this story is really that funny, but it made me laugh at myself.

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, I find it funny. I mean if you are going to put yourself out there on National TV then you are going to get judged and at 34 and single and
