Monday, January 5, 2009

If he wants to see 5...

then Evan had better not wake me up tonight! I am at my wit's end with this child waking me up in the middle of the night - and doing it more than once a night.

I am back to work, so I really wanted a good night's sleep. Yeah, that wasn't happening last night. Evan is good about going to sleep in his bed. He's not good about staying there. And for some unknown stinkin' reason, he feels compelled to wake me up to let me know he's in the room.

Eric and I have done everything we can think of to make him stay in his room all night, or at the very least, to lay down on the floor and leave us alone unless the house is on fire. We have threatened, bribed, and begged...all to no avail. For the longest time we had blankets and a pillow on the floor next to Eric's side of the bed. That worked well until Evan either couldn't cover himself up or kicked the blankets off of himself and got cold. Then he had to wake us up to share that he was cold.

Knowing what a predicament we were in, Santa Claus decided to give Evan a sleeping bag for Christmas so that he could simply slide his tiny tush inside and go back to sleep on our bedroom floor. Worked great for a week. And then came last night.

I don't know what was up with this child. The night started off rough because I got into some bad habits by staying up too late during vacation. It was hard for me to go to sleep. Then Hudson woke up at 2:30 screaming. When he screams like that, I think he's in pain because his foot is caught outside one of his crib slats. But no, he was just mad. I got him some milk and went back to bed. Then the fun began.

Evan came in and woke me up no less than four times. By the third wake-up tap, I was ready to smack the kid. I didn't. But I did yell for him to go away. He wanted me to cover him up. I told him to cover himself up. I think he went away. All I know is that he was tapping me a fourth time. I didn't even let him tell me what he needed. I beat him to the punch and told him if woke me up again before my alarm went off, he was losing his Wii forever.

He finally left me alone, and I got all of 7 more minutes of sleep. And wouldn't you know it? When 6:30 rolled around and it was time for Evan to get up, he was SOUND ASLEEP in his sleeping bag on the floor of our bedroom. I just can't win.

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaaamen. Not to be funny but I so hear the pain. Max has taken over the break to coming into our bed Every...single...night. Its so annoying. I don't have the heart to tell him to sleep on the floor, that sounds stupid but he can't sleep on Dad's side floor because its right in front of the bathroom and there is not room for Doc to get up shower etc etc at 4 am. MY side is freezing because its next to the window and its the middle of winter it gets really cold. That leaves the bed and he kicks and squims and I'm so done except that Doc is leaving so we haven't bothered to do much except move him back after a very uncomfortable hour or so. Sooo I so hear the pain.
