Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Baby Genius

I enjoyed a cute baby moment tonight. Hudson (who turns 14 months tomorrow) was in the bathtub splashing around. He stood up and tried to pump the soap out of his baby soap. He held his other chubby little hand up to the pump and when he "dispensed" his soap, he rubbed his hand across his belly washing himself! It was too cute watching him "wash" himself.

More proof he is a genius: When I put his socks on in the morning, he turns to grab his shoes. And lastly, when someone is standing in the way of something he wants, he will resort to biting to get you to move. Not pleasant if you are the one being bitten, but sure resourceful for the 1-year-old!

Okay, so I may not have a genius on my hands, but Hudson sure delights us to no end.


  1. Of course he's a genius! All kids are a genius of some sort or another. One thing we can all agree on--he's sure stinkin' cute!

  2. LOL...he bites to get you out of the way...Like a puppy!! What a riot!
