Thursday, May 28, 2009

More Mischief

Once again Hudson is up to no good. This time he's hanging out at my desk. This kid just doesn't quit. I keep saying things will get easier once Hudson turns 3. That's when I remember Evan becoming easier to deal with. I've been told by others that age 3 makes no difference. I am hanging onto my theory that life will magically be easier in one year and four months!

The one good thing about the pile of stuff on my desk is that it is the only pile left to sort and organize! That is just a little bitty pile compared to what it was. Makes me happy.

Evan enjoyed playing Wii tonight. Eric kept both boys occupied in the playroom while I cooked dinner and did my FlyLady 15 minutes.

Once again, not much else going on here. We are just winding down to the end of the school year. I still can't believe Evan "graduates" from Junior Kindergarten on Monday. Sniff.

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