Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Life Lately: In Pictures and shortish captions

It's been a while since I posted, and since I like my blog for family purposes, I figured I'd take a few minutes to update our life.

In June we worked out together as a family at the gym. And Eric made breakfast.

Hudson and I played a lot of board games during the long summer afternoons.

We got a bowling summer pass that allowed us to play three games each day. I got pretty good at bowling!

We went to Universal Studios in July to see Harry Potter Land. It was Hudson's dream vacation.

We splurged and stayed in the nice hotel. It was walking distance from the park, which made it nice to take an afternoon nap.

I started a third round of Whole30 when we got home. Spoiler: I didn't finish this round.

In August we got ready to go back to school. It's Evan's last year of uniforms.

Both boys got the experience of a facial and haircut. They loved it.

First day of school: fifth grade, 8th grade teacher, 8th grade.

I realized that it will be all too soon before these two are no longer sitting at my breakfast table.

The kids got to see the solar eclipse at school. It was really cool.

Having Evan in my 8th grade class has been fun.

The boys hanging out in my classroom.

Hudson turns 10.

Eric gets a Goldwing.

Eric bought me a record player so I can listen to my dad's old records.

Eric got a new Goldwing. There were issues with the white one, so he got a newer red one for a great price. Her name is Lucille. We took her to Nevada to buy her a special seat.

Evan turned 13 in October.

Eric took Hudson to school and the field trip to the fair on Lucille.

Eric and I took a day trip to Sequoia National Park.

Having a good hair/makeup day.

Hudson and I dressed up for Wacky Day during Red Ribbon Week.

Probably my favorite picture of myself this year.

Eric and Hudson made his costume.

I was Mrs. Potato Head for Halloween.

The 8th grade students were the toy soldiers from Toy Story.

Both boys got trophies for flag football.

I started drinking hot tea.

Eric turned 49.

Evan's artwork was selected for the month of June in the Valley Air District calendar.

Coach Washington got me the best T-shirt ever! Everyone at school pretty much knows I don't like to be touched. 

The boys altar served at the Christmas Eve Mass.

New pajamas for the Forcey Family.

The boys both got hover boards! 

Mom and I had a great lunch and movie day. Animals flock to her. It's almost like they know she is the one person who doesn't want to touch them!

I became obsessed with this movie and saw it three times in the theater!

We took a second trip to Universal Studios in January.

Hudson was in the school Talent Show in February.

I turned 43 and the junior high threw me a surprise party and made me a princess.

Evan took his graduation photos in March. I seriously cannot believe that he is going to graduate from 8th grade and go into high school in less than five months.

I finished the yearbook. This page was my favorite layout of the year.

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