Tuesday, April 5, 2011


We went to church on Sunday. Evan helped Grampy with ushering duties. He does such a great job being serious about the tasks. It's cute to watch.

Hudson, on the other hand, sits with us, and asks about 1001 questions. His questions range from everything to "What's Fr. Robert doing?" to "Why is Jesus up there?" to "Why does Jesus have a hurt tummy?" to "What time is it?" He must have asked me for the time every 45 seconds.

The problem with Hudson, and I'm guessing most 3-year-olds, is that they demand to be acknowledged. And if they aren't, they make themselves known. So with each question I did my best to whisper an answer in hopes of getting him to be quiet. Yeah, didn't really happen.

However, one of his questions was priceless.

Fr. Robert had just finished the Gospel reading and had walked around to the front of the altar preparing to begin his homily (sermon). Hudson looked at me and asked, "Mom, is it half time?"

I wanted to burst out laughing. I think I just nodded that yes, it was half time. Sports family much?

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