On Saturday night at about 11 p.m, both Eric and I started feeling sick to our stomachs. Thus began 24 hours of throwing up and other stuff. I don't like to think about the other stuff. It's gross. The word starts with a "D," and I don't like to write it or think about it, much less have it.
Anyhow, we were both terribly sick. I called my parents at 7:30 in the morning. They came to town to watch the boys for the day. Eric and I locked ourselves in our bedroom and slept until late afternoon. I woke up just in time for Evan to start throwing up. He's been a pretty sick little boy along with his mom and dad.
There's nothing worse than having a sick child while being sick yourself. My mom kept telling me someday I'd laugh about this. Hmmm. That someday is going to be pretty far off before I start laughing. I'm too tired to laugh.
We are on the mend today having taken a day off work. We wanted to send Hudson to daycare so the rest of us could sleep, but he wasn't looking too great himself. He isn't throwing up, but his diapers aren't pretty. I am hoping we are all up to speed by tomorrow.
Thank goodness for my parents helping us out yesterday. I do feel terrible that they are both sick now. Apparently this stomach virus is really contagious. My mom keeps telling me it's okay, but I still feel badly for messing up their Sunday and keeping my mom from two of her Christmas parties. Sorry Mom!
I made Evan a little bed on the kitchen floor after he threw up on the family room carpet. Much easier to clean up puke from a hard-surface floor.
Sick little boy.
Hudson had to spend time in the pack-n-play while we dealt with Evan.
My dad under a blanket. He was starting to get sick, but we didn't know it at the time.
My mom. The saint. Thank you for helping yesterday! I am sorry you are sick and had to stay home today.
I hope Eric and I never ever ever break the cardinal rule again. Being sick at the same time is miserable while trying to take care of kids. Besides, when you are sick at the same time, it's hard to get sympathy from one another! When I said, "My back hurts," he said, "Mine too." Not the sympathy I was looking for! If we are ever going to do this again, it better be when the boys are able to take care of themselves for 24 hours.
Wow! You are so blessed to have such wonderful parents. And a Mom who is able to come down and take care of you. I know it stinks to be sick all at once but I think its just so heartwarming to know they can be there for you like that!! Give her a big hug from me too cuz she deserves it!!