Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Yearbook is Done!

Every spring my life literally comes to a grinding halt because I am racing like mad to finish the yearbook for school.

Today is the day I had to submit the book to the publisher.

Want to know something kind of funny?

I spend hours and hours and hours on making these yearbooks, but when they actually arrive at school, I don't like to look at them.  I am too afraid of finding mistakes, and I can't bear it!  Hopefully, this one turns out as well as some of the past books.  I did a few new page spreads and really liked several of my layouts.

And now I can get my life back.

Except there is this:

This is page one of a giant list of stuff that I need to get done or have done before May 27 which is the last day of school, 8th grade farewell, awards ceremony and 8th grade graduation.  Lord, I'm going to need strength during the month of May!  As the day wore on, I added a second paper with more items to do and tacked them both up on my bulletin board in my classroom.  I think the kids were slightly shocked at how much I need to get done.

Well, I can cross the first two off the list!  Yearbook - done.  And we went to the church to practice Mass and Rosary today.  Done.

Again, I'm going to need a lot of strength!