First they had to drag all the boxes and containers down from the rafters of the garage.
Eric got the large snowglobe and Santa in place. While all this was going on, Hudson was taking a four hour nap, and I was very content watching White Christmas, blogging, and running in and out to take photos! What a wonderful day it was for me!
Evan has his own way of's called keeping out of Dad's way.
Our beloved Frosty is dead. I think this is the first blow-up decoration we bought when we started going big on the decorations outside. Goodbye dear Frosty. You served us well.
Here's Evan again doing his part by "helping." I guess sitting on the wreath box is helping in his mind.
At this particular point of the morning, Eric realized that he had no strands of Christmas lights left from last year. We threw them all out last year because there were too many sets not working. He and Evan headed into the craziness known as the Christmas Shopping Season. Lowes had no lights. Then they went to K-Mart. They bought lights, and Evan got a new set of gloves to keep his little hands warm. In years past, trying to put gloves on this kid was a pain in the rear. He couldn't get the right fingers into the right spots. This year he can manage it all on his own.
Up on the roof stringing lights. This part scares me. I don't like these photos. One thing Eric always does is get up and there and start exclaiming over this and that. I start to get curious about all the stuff he sees. Sometimes that curiosity gets the best of me and I climb up on the roof. Then I get angry at myself because I know better. I'm not afraid of heights, but I am afraid to climb back down. I vowed never to get myself in that predicament again. I am proud to say I did not give in to the curiosity this year.
As long as Eric was up on the roof, he figured he'd scoot over to the side of the house to fix the Dish TV receiver. We can't ever get Channel 30 in HD, so he wanted to adjust that. My job was to stand just inside the door and flip through channels on the tv to see if we were getting reception. Lots of fun to be had yelling results out the door up to the roof.
I just thought this picture was funny because it's all I saw as I yelled out tv reception results to Eric up on the roof.
From looking at this picture, you'd think we live on a ranch somewhere. Empty field across the street, not many houses in sight, horses passing by on the irrigation canal. That's why Evan scaled the chain link fence like a little monkey. He wanted to see the horses. We pretty much live on the edge of the town limits, but are still very much located in the city. By the way, the long gray building on the left is the mini storage that is going in on that empty field. At least the neighbors won't be noisy!
Evan gets to go up on the roof for the very first time. He loved it!
Then Hudson woke up and joined the party. He's looking up at the roof trying to figure out what his daddy is doing up there!
I just can't get enough of this face!
As the day wore down, we headed inside to finish watching a football game (Hudson says "Touchdown!") and get ready to go to the downtown electrical Christmas parade. It's our tradition. I took the boys by myself last year because Eric was as sick as a dog. Last year Hudson rode on my body in a Snuggli. This year he road on my body in a backpack. Not too much has changed. This year, however, I did remember to bring blankets. Last year I was suffering from amnesia after giving birth two months prior!
The completed look at night. Looks good boys!
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