Thursday, January 22, 2015

TBT and Getting to Know You Link Up

Life is cruising along with all the ordinary stuff we do each week: school, soccer, basketball, homework, dinner, and laundry.  Not exactly blog worthy and creative!

I was looking at old pictures from the blog after school yesterday and was oohing and aahing at how cute and little my kids were when they were younger!  I still think they are super cute kids, but there are something about those chubby cheeks and mischievous smiles that melt my heart!  I wanted to share a few favorites....and I don't have much else going on today to share!

This little treasure was taken when Hudson was 2 1/2.  He's gonna love it when we drag this out for his girlfriends later in life!

Another one from when Hudson was 2 and Evan was 5.  We visited Gilroy Gardens.  I love them hugging.  I love their shaggy hair.  I love their little round legs.  I love everything about this photo!

Evan on a field trip to Story Land when he was 5.  He's now 10.

I die!  Look at those cheeks!  How is it at all possible that this little guy is now 7?

Okay, enough with the trip through memory lane.

And now some linkup time with Kenlie at All The Weigh.

Thoughtful-Thursdays-on-All-the-Weigh.png (1024×768)
Getting To Know You
1. List three things that you don’t need, but that you wouldn’t want to live without. TV, books, and phone.
2. What is your favorite/least favorite household chore? I really hate sweeping and mopping the floors, especially in the kitchen when I have to maneuver around the table and chair legs.
3. Tell us about your hobbies (things that you do to relax, to have fun, etc.) To relax, I like to watch tv or movies, I like to read books, I like to read blogs, and I love to take bubble baths.
4. What’s your favorite holiday, and why? Christmas. I love the fact that the weather has finally turned cold, I love the music, I love the smells, I love the decorations, and I love the anticipation of giving gifts and seeing my kids' excitement.
5. It’s Wednesday night. What will you do to enjoy yourself? Wednesday night is the one night without any meetings or practice in the middle of the week, so I make sure to have something planned for dinner that we can all enjoy.  We are usually helping the boys finish homework and settling in to watch tv until 8 p.m. when we all head off to bed!  It's really exciting around here!
6. Share at least three things that you like about yourself. I like the color of my eyes (green), I like my ability to find out a lot about people (hint: ask questions because in general, people love to talk about themselves), and I like the fact that I am responsible and people often rely on me.
7. What are you looking forward to doing most over the coming weekend? On Saturday, the boys are going to be out of town at soccer, but I'm going to stay home to attend the confirmation of my partner teacher, so I'm pretty excited for her.  I'll join the boys for soccer on Sunday.
8. Did you make any goals for January? If so, how are they coming along? My goals for 2015 are coming along decently well.  I have read at least 10 pages of a book every day.  We are continuing with our financial goals in paying off debt (today in fact - one down, two two go!), and we are taking some serious steps to deal with health and weight loss.  I have not been good at drinking water or eating fruits and vegetables.
9. Are you in a relationship? Yes, I have been married to Eric for 12 years this April and we have two boys named Evan and Hudson who are 10 and 7.  These three are my life.
10. What is your favorite TV channel? I'd have to say Channel 30 (ABC) because that is the station that most of my favorite shows are on: Scandal, Grey's Anatomy, The Bachelor, Revenge!  I also like the local news on Channel 30 the best.  If we aren't watching the main channels, we usually have HGTV on and are watching some sort of house renovation show.  I love tv, but I've really cut back on my watching.  Can't read and watch at the same least not me.


  1. I really like ABC too because I love Scandal. Love love love it, and it's starting again next week.

  2. Heather, I really like reading your blog and your children are adorable!

    I too, really like the ABC channel. I like Weds night comedies, like Modern Family. I also really like that Tim Allen show on Fridays - can't remember the name as I type this!

  3. I love Grey's Anatomy! <3. We share an anniversary month! I'm not married yet, but my significant other and I have our anniversary in April :)
