Surprisingly, there is a lot that goes into this simple hour-long practice. Evan has to make sure his bat/ball bag is packed. The practice "uniform" must be clean and ready to go. We have to coordinate who picks up which kid. Sometimes we travel as a family. Sometimes we take two cars. And the most important decision...where do we have dinner after T-ball practice is over?!
A blurry picture of Evan in the car heading to practice. This is what he wears each Tuesday. No silly shorts and normal t-shirts for us, no sir. I tried to get him to wear a short sleeve shirt today given that it was 90+degrees, but Evan wouldn't hear of it.
We picked Hudson up from daycare and headed to practice. Apparently Hudson was confused by where we were going even though we have been to practice each Tuesday for three months! I just love the look on his face.
Hudson watching Kung Fu Panda for the 93rd time. I have yet to "see" this movie. I have heard it more times than I can count, but I haven't seen it. I need to climb in the back of the car and watch the darn thing!
Evan looks sad, but he's not sad. I think he just threw the ball. That's his look of concentration! He had a good practice today.
This is how we keep Hudson busy at T-ball practice...we feed him! It's hard to believe that a few weeks ago, we were out there freezing with blankets wrapped around us. Now we are all sweating in the shade.
We have one more practice and two more games to go before we are finished with baseball season for the year. Thank goodness Evan is too little for such horrors as "Travel Ball" and "Fall Ball." Apparently baseball never really ends. It does for us!
However, very soon we are going to be in the midst of soccer season. The fun just never ends!
We spend a lot of time at the ball park, too, with Andy's softball league. It's lots of fun. Evan looks adorable out there playing!