There are some days where I feel like my two boys are at each other all day long. I wonder if they will ever play together, much less like each other! However, I was able to witness a moment of brotherly love and protection a few days ago.
Evan went with me to pick Hudson up from daycare. I was standing outside talking to Linda (the daycare provider) and the boys were running around the yard. Hudson happened to walk up to one of the other little girls at the door, and Evan says very sternly, "Leave him alone Trinity. Leave my brother alone!"
I just about fell over that Evan not only cared that someone might have been picking on his brother, but did something about it! Truth be told, I don't think Trinity said or did anything. I think Evan was just having a brother-type moment!
Linda told me that Evan stands up for and watches out for Hudson regularly when they are both at daycare together (which isn't very often anymore with Evan in school). It made my heart swell. It's nice to know that the loving instincts are there! We may not see them at home, but they are there!
I think they save the fighting and nit-picking for only when we're around. LOL