I failed to get a picture. Just imagine the cutest kid ever with the biggest eyes ever out on the field and holding his own with kids several years older than him. I'll try to get a photo of him next week.
At first Hudson was very excited. Then we got to the indoor soccer field, and he freaked out a little when he realized that Evan wouldn't be out there with him. I took his hand and led him to the field. Once he got out there, he was fine.
Our schedule this week is completely nuts.
Monday -Me staff meeting, Evan soccer
Tuesday - Me Christmas play practice, Hudson soccer
Wednesday - Me tutoring, Us WW weigh in, Evan soccer, Me 50th anniversary committee
Thursday - Me Christmas play practice, Us allergy shots, Us 2nd grade meeting for First Reconciliation
Friday - Us birthday party
Saturday - Soccer tournament, Christmas tree sale/boutique, electric parade
Sunday - Soccer tournament
I need Christmas to come just so we can slow down for a few weeks. Sheesh!
I did spend a few minutes last night cleaning off the notoriously messy counter.
After. It's not perfect, but it's better.