As my mother ever so politely pointed out, I haven't updated the blog since Monday. This will be a jumbled group of thoughts and activities for the past week.
-I took myself to the doctor on Saturday morning after waking up with my throat on fire. I had my nose swabbed with a 9-foot Q-Tip. It was that big, I swear. I had a sinus infection and was on antibiotics for 5 days. Feel much better now.
-Being sick severely messed with my motivation in running. I'll find it again.
-We celebrated Mardi Gras by eating yummy steak and onion blossoms from Cool Hand Luke's. We decided to give up eating out for Lent. Two days into Lent, and we are successful.
-We got our ashes on Ash Wednesday. The lady who put my cross on my forehead did such a fine job that she got ashes all over my nose. She even told me, "Oops, I got ashes on your nose." I spent the next five minutes begging 7th graders to look at me to tell me if my nose was clear of ash while trying to be quiet because we were still in the middle of Mass.
-Evan was so well behaved at Mass that he got a little angel cutout pinned to his sweater saying, "I was an angel at Mass today!" Good thing after his little debacle back in December blowing on the kid next to him during Mass.
-Hudson refuses to stay in his bed when we put him down for the night. He is also weaning himself from napping. He's only 2 1/2. Doesn't he know that his mom needs sleep?
-I am busy finalizing plans for the Science Fair next week. I hope it goes well.
-I am hoping that entering a race on Saturday morning will jump start me back into the mental aspect of continuing with running. I'll run like crap, but I think I need to just get out there.
-I can't wait for Tuesday to be over.
-Evan is worried that he won't be able to go to 1st grade because he'll only be 5 when he starts. I think he is noticing that his friends are turning 6, and he won't be 6 until a few weeks after school starts next fall. I am trying to convince him that he's right where he should be.
-T Ball will be starting shortly.
-Hudson speaks in sentences.
-Evan got a new lunch box because his disappeared at school. Very bizarre.
-Hudson uses Evan's old lunchbox from last year. He was rather angry when Evan had to borrow it back for a few days until we got the new one.
-Hudson knows that "W" says "whu, whu, whu."
-I got a massage. I don't like it when they wiggle between the muscle fibers. Makes me nauseous. But I enjoyed the massage overall.
-Worked on setting the school calendar for next year. It's weird to plan for 2011 when we barely started 2010.
-We decided to not worry about Valentine's Day. We did cards. It was perfect.
-I bought Evan an umbrella and haven't given it to him yet.
-Eric had roses sent to school for me for my birthday. Sweet man.
-A student bought me the Glee 2 CD, and I love it.
-Praying, Praying, Praying.
There. There's all the exciting, boring, and random stuff going on in our family. Now my mom will be happy.