This is a part of Friend Makin' Monday.
Here are 10 things I am thankful for:
1. My children - As much as I complain about how crazy they are, they have forever changed me for the better. They bring me laughter, joy, and sunshine. I am continually amazed and awed by them both. By the way, Evan is an amazing athlete at 6-years-old, and Hudson can now spell his name. I am so proud!
2. My husband - We've been married for 7 1/2 years, and I can't remember what life was like before him. He is my world. He loves me as I am. He is my best friend. He's the one who knows all my secrets and loves me anyhow!
3. My mom - My other best friend. Mom is the one who is always there. She also knows everything about me. We talk on the phone nearly every day. She is the one who made sure my sister and I had the best childhood. She is a friend to all. My mom is just the nicest person. Plus, she's funny!
4. My sister - We don't see each other all that often, but it doesn't matter. A sister is always there. My sister is realizing what a beautiful person she is on the inside and out. I've always known it.
5. Friends - Whether a friend I see every day (Stacey) or friends I see once a year (Aniesha) or friends I see even less (Ann), I am grateful for them all. They provide me with an ear for listening, great laughs, great memories, and good times.
And now moving away from the list of people, I am also thankful for:
6. Having a job - I am thankful to be able to help provide for my family. I am blessed to work as a teacher in a Catholic school. I am surrounded by people who are kind, compassionate, and faithful. I enjoy what I do. I enjoy the kids. I love working where my oldest and soon little one go to school. My school is like a family. You can't ask for more than that from a job.
7. Technology - Facebook has connected me with long lost friends, my iPhone gives me a sense of security, computers have transformed the work world, the internet gives us instant access, DVRs let me watch all my tv, and my iPod allows me to have instant music. I tell my students all the time that I can't wait to see what is going to happen in the next 30 years.
8. My faith - I became Catholic 10 years ago. Teaching in a Catholic school has helped me become more aware of the traditions, prayers, and celebrations that Catholics observe. I am grateful to my parents for providing me with a solid Lutheran upbringing and then understanding my need to convert to Catholicism. I am grateful to be part of a faith that is universal and so much larger than myself.
9. My health and that of my family - After several health scares and losing my dad last year, health is something that should not be taken for granted. That being said, I need to make my health more of a priority by eating better and exercising more. I always am amazed at what my body is able to do with discipline. I have the ability to run, jump, walk, swim and more when so many people can only wish to do these things.
10. Living in the USA - I am grateful that I live in a place where I have freedom to do anything I choose to do. I can marry whomever I choose, I can have a chosen profession, and I can practice my chosen faith. I am grateful for the comforts of amenities such as grocery stores, medical facilities, and entertainment. I am grateful for a city with an infrastructure such as roads, garbage collection, and sewer systems. I am grateful for education that is available.
November is a great month to think about being grateful. The one thing I am not grateful about at this moment is not being able to sleep, but I am very grateful knowing that once I get sleepy, my big, comfortable, warm bed is waiting for me!